Here are just a few of the more powerfuloptions available to you.
- Adjust your margins so that the reader never has to read more thanfive inches from left to right across a page.
- Never justify your right margin. (Always justify your left.)
- Don’t use long paragraphs; they are overwhelming to the eye. (Thiswill help you write more succinctly, too.)
- Indent sections with key ideas by using bullets, dashes, or asterisks toset them off (like these indented tips).
- For important ideas, use bold, underlining, and UPPERCASE LETTERS.
- For short sentences, try centering.
- Use numerals (20) rather than spelling out numbers (twenty) whendescribing your accomplishments, to attract more attention. (Exception:Always spell out numbers that begin a sentence.)
- Italics are hard to read; use them sparingly, if at all.
- If your letter must run to two pages in length, end the first page in themiddle of a sentence to encourage the reader to read on to the secondpage.