星期五, 4月 20, 2007





Sub findfonts()

Dim efonts As New Collection
Dim cfonts As New Collection
Dim stl As Style
Dim useCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer

useCount = 0
For i = 1 To ActiveDocument.Styles.Count
Set stl = ActiveDocument.Styles.Item(i)
If stl.InUse Then
useCount = useCount + 1
If notinit(stl.Font.Name, efonts) Then
efonts.Add stl.Font.Name
End If
If notinit(stl.Font.NameFarEast, cfonts) Then
cfonts.Add stl.Font.NameFarEast
End If
End If
Next i

Dim msg As String
Dim obj As Variant

msg = "目前:" + CStr(ActiveDocument.Styles.Count) + Chr(10)
msg = msg + "目前style:" + CStr(useCount) + Chr(10) + Chr(10)
msg = msg + "內建字型:" + CStr(efonts.Count) + Chr(10)
For Each obj In efonts
msg = msg + obj + Chr(10)

msg = msg + Chr(10) + "遠東:" + CStr(cfonts.Count) + Chr(10)

For Each obj In cfonts
msg = msg + obj + Chr(10)
MsgBox msg

'Dim fonts As New Collection
'Dim i As Integer
'For i = 1 To 10
' fonts.Add ActiveDocument.Styles.Item(i).Font.Name
' fonts.Add ActiveDocument.Styles.Item(i).Font.NameFarEast
'Next i
'Dim msg As String
'Dim obj As Variant
'For Each obj In fonts
' msg = msg + obj + Chr(10)
'MsgBox msg
End Sub

Function notinit(str As String, ByRef coll As Collection) As Boolean

Dim notin As Boolean
notin = True

Dim obj As Variant
For Each obj In coll
If obj = str Then
notin = False
Exit For
End If

If notin Then
notinit = True

notinit = False
End If

End Function

Public Sub findcha()
Dim fonts As New Collection
Dim rgn As Range

For Each rgn In ActiveDocument.Characters
If notinit(rgn.Font.Name, fonts) Then
fonts.Add rgn.Font.Name
End If

If notinit(rgn.Font.NameFarEast, fonts) Then
fonts.Add rgn.Font.NameFarEast
End If

Dim msg As String
Dim obj As Variant
msg = "all" + CStr(ActiveDocument.Characters.Count) + Chr(10)
msg = msg + "all used fonts:" + CStr(fonts.Count) + Chr(10) + Chr(10)
For Each obj In fonts
msg = msg + obj + Chr(10)
MsgBox msg

End Sub
